Thursday, May 12, 2011

SHS Updates and New Blog

Due to all the overloading school work, Superhero Slayers Project will be on permanent hiatus until further notice.
I'm currently just too busy and I can't find extra time to work on anything now.

And you probably have read from elsewhere that I've decided not to work on another episode of SHS anymore. Animation takes too much time and effort which I don't have the luxury now.

So the future of his project is definitely moving in a different direction. I may switch it to a comic, motion comic or even someone taking over the animation. It is probably a sad decision, but I can't find think of a better way out now.

Really grateful to all the people who enjoyed watching this series so far and especially to those who left positives reviews and comments. Thanks all!

On a side note,
I've set up another blog. It's more of a personal creative blog where I will post my own works and any inspiring stuffs I come across. So keep a look out if you are still interested in my works. :)

They Best Shine Next


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