Sunday, July 27, 2008

First Peak: The Seven Slayers and SHS3!!!

This is a picture i drew that consist of the 7 main Slayers in this series. So far 4 of them have already appeared, the rest will appear soon. This is also the first time all the Slayers' faces is revealed. And yes, one of them is a lady! lol Some people may wonder who the 'Slayers' are, what are their names, their abilities, and why are they killing the Superheroes. I won't actually answer these questions here, they will be revealed in the subsequent episodes. But i will probably make a profile for each of them.

And yes, SHS 3 is in the making. Here's a piece of storyboard screenies i did earlier. So these may be some of the finalised characters that will be featured in this reel.
I'll post more screenies soon.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Review: Heroes appeared in SHS 2

SHS 2 compared to SHS 1 is a much better movie in terms of animation and story plots. The heroes that appeared are better designed and drawn too. Not like SHS 1, where all the heroes came together to fight 1 monster, SHS 2 splits the story into different parts, each on the hero against their enemy. So as a result there isn't as many heroes compared to the first movie.
Here are the few heroes that appeared in SHS 2.

Superman, DC
Superman, the hero of SHS 1 returned this time as he fought 1 on 1 with the Slayer leader.

Mr Fantastic, Marvel (New)
The head of Fantastic 4 debuts with his wife Sue Storm as they met one of the most powerful enemies they've ever encounter.

The Invisible Women, Marvel (New)
Sue Storm is hot.

Batman, DC
The Dark Knight is back! Not a very heroic scene for the Gotham hero though. lol

Storm, Marvel (New)
Not a very big part in the movie, but she looks hot too!

Wolverine, Marvel
Yes, Logan will play a big part in this series. I promised. :D

There isn't so many heroes in this reel, but each of them will have a significant part to play in the story.

Review: Heroes appeared in SHS 1

Alright, now that you all know that SHS is all about heroes, you will naturally expects tonnes of heroes to appear in this movie. Most of the Superheroes that will be featured in SHS belongs to both Marvel and DC comics. Now we will look back at the heroes that appeared in the first reel!

Captain America, Marvel
Alright, our tiny little Steve Rogers will not appear in any future installations of SHS anymore. He's supposedly dead after the Marvel's Civil War.

Wolverine, Marvel
Although you can only see he's back before he's fried in SHS 1, he will be playing a huge part in SHS 3.

Batman, DC
He appeared in both SHS 1 and 2, but i have no plans for him to appear in future reels yet. I like the Dark Knight Movie though, so perhaps i may keep him for something important.

Spiderman, Marvel
Alright I'll just say i haven't thought of anything for our famous web-slinger yet. But he'll sure plays a big part in the future reels.

IronMan, Marvel
Oh yeah Tony Stark, Important character in the Marvel world, and definitely important in the SHS plot.

Hulk, Marvel
I enjoyed the Hulk movie very much, so that gave me ideas...

Superman, DC
The Man of Steel have already appeared in SHS 2, so from what we know, he's one of the main superhero in this series (Yea, if not why would the leader of the Slayers go after him?).

SHS 1 was made without any plots of stories in my head, and the heroes came out to be alittle crappy(in terms of design and every other thing else), but hey SHS 2 is much of a improvement. So hope you can continue to support this series.

SHS- Entre Files Chapter 1

The SHS series will be expanded into comics, known as the Entre files, which also means, the "in between" files. The plot of the comic will tell us what actually happens off screen from the Animated series itself. So what you can expect to see from the Entre files will be events happening in between Episodes of the Animated movie. This will give me a chance to explain more details and plots, fill up some missing plots, and to expand the whole SHS universe.

The spotlight will be on the Slayers and it will expand the storyline from the views of them. As of copyrights issue the comics will not really involve any of the existing Superheroes.

Chapter 1 happens directly after the events of SHS reel 1.

** If you can't view the image, you can read it in deviantArt **

WATCH Reel 1 and Reel 2

Watch Both SHS Reel 1 and SHS Reel 2 Now!
Currently there are only 2 episodes, the 3rd one is in the making.

SHS Reel 1
@ Newgrounds
@ aniboom

SHS Reel 2
@ Flashportal
@ UGO Player

These are the only few official sites i uploaded SHS to. Any other sites found to have SHS are probably stolen or hosted without permission.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Posters for SHS reel 2

These are the few Posters made during the promo of SHS reel 2.

Teaser Poster:

This is my favourite poster, and obviously the 4 characters are the Superhero slayers.

Official Poster:

And this is the final Poster, the 4 baddies standing in front of a destroyed street.