Saturday, February 28, 2009

SHS3-1 Released!

Watch Here

Yep, it's on Newgrounds now. Go and Vote a 5!
Oh but there's some sound lagging problem.
Still unable to solve it. If not this movie will be perfect.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

SHS3-1 Completed! AND Release Date!

Yes, its finally completed and it'll be released within the week! :D

Edit: The official Release date is on Feb 28th. Keep a look out on Newgrounds.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More screenshots

Loved taking screenshots. They are beautiful.
Once again, sorry for the delay.

Familiar hand, and ring.

Apparently these balls are some important items in the story.

Mr Fantastic is back.


Mr and Mrs Reed having a tough fight.